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Theme park

Laby Médoc


Laby'Médoc is no less than 3 km of labyrinth on a 2 hectare plot of land with paths dotted with crossroads and dead ends that you can walk through.

Don't worry, it will be very difficult to get lost in the middle of the maize, which can sometimes reach 2 m in height! Our team has set up some signs within the labyrinth. We want you to have a good time here.

Various games such as orienteering, educational courses, etc. will be offered to you so that there is something for everyone. Sportsmen and women, young and old, are all welcome, because here, only the fun comes first.

Accessible from 6 years old! Free for children under 1 metre!

French, EnglishPayment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Chèques Vacances, CashPets are welcome