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Guided tour of town, village

Lacanau, une visite, une dégust’…

A hiking getaway right in Lacanau Ocean, discovering the local architectural heritage. We are in 1906, the steam train enters the station, the small stone sailor welcomes you with open arms ... Time for a morning walk, go back in time and let yourself be seduced by the charm of old villas, picturesque architectural heritage the last century. Soon, Thais Villa or the Villa Favorite will have no secrets for you! This will dive into the history of the resort of Lacanau, since its construction until today. End your journey in time by a local flavor note, with a wine tasting. Visit 2 hours to track over 100 years of history through a walking tour of 1.5 kilometers, accessible to all.

Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Chèques Vacances, Cash
Further information
  • Language(s) for the visit : French