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Art gallery

Site d’Expression Artistique

"DESSINE NOW - A group exhibition, drawing in the broadest sense.

They are 18 artists from here and elsewhere.

Some of them have been exhibited in renowned institutions (Bilbao Guggenheim Museum, Louvre Museum, Villa Médicis, Lyon Biennale, FRACs...). They have been awarded prizes (Drawing Now Paris, Prix de Paris, Chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres...).

Others are supported by more confidential communities.

A meeting between the town of Soulac-sur-Mer (the SEA association) and the Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine Méca, with the common desire to make contemporary art accessible to all.

Encounters between artists who have different views, practices and writings.

DESSINE MAINTENANT weaves links between these singularities, brings together in one space and for one time, works that all have drawing in common, but each in their own way.

