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UCPA – Le Surf Sans Frontières

"Sea, Surf and Sun !

The UCPA Lacanau surfing school, certified by the French Surfing Federation, is located on the edge of the ocean, on the "South Beach" of Lacanau Océan. It is open from Easter to All Saints' Day on reservation.

On the mythical spot of Lacanau, come and enjoy surfing or bodyboarding lessons, supervised by qualified instructors, in complete safety. The surf school offers courses adapted to all ages (7 - 10 years old; 12 - 15 years old and over 16 years old) and for all levels, from beginner to advanced.

There are two types of courses available from Monday to Friday: a 5-session course and a 3-session mini-stage. And if you simply want to discover this sport, the surf school also offers individual lessons for discovery sessions, so that you can learn about the pleasure of surfing on the board of your choice (bodyboard, surf, longboard). You can also rent equipment.

French, EnglishPayment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Chèques Vacances, Cash