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Restaurants with children

Make the most of every moment of your holiday, forget about cooking and go to a restaurant.
To please your children, share a unique meal with them or have some adult time, choose the restaurant that suits you. By the water, in the middle of nature, near a children's club, find all the restaurants that pamper your children!

Restaurants with children's areas

Find the selection of restaurants with dedicated areas for children. You don't have to worry about keeping your little ones busy, the facilities are there to take the strain off you. A fun time for you and your little ones!

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L’Escale de la Plage


Cabane n°1

Restaurants with top children's menus!

No more headaches about who is going to eat what. The destination's restaurants adapt to offer your children adapted menus and sometimes with a little surprise gift!

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Le Drakkar – Brasserie du port


Le Galipo