Boucle du Phare de Richard@medoc-atlantique-tourisme_0246

Boucle du Phare de Richard

Distance : 10,7 kmDuration : 2h30Type d'itinéraire : on footDifficulté : Very easy

"Discover the commune of Jau Dignac and Loirac, a former island in the Gironde estuary.
At the bend in the path you can see the Green Lizard Lacerta Viridis basking in the sun or a European Cistude Ernis Orbicularis...

A nature walk along the dykes with a view of the Gironde Estuary, the polders, the marshes, the channels and the port of Richard.
From the top of the 18m high lighthouse-museum of Richard, a grandiose 360° landscape is offered to you.

Walking itineraries

There is nothing like a good walk to recharge your batteries! Come and enjoy the hiking trails, itineraries and marked trails. Breathe in the fresh air of the nature reserves, take the path to Soulac-sur-Mer or take a walk through the Médoc vineyards, just follow the guide!

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